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Version: 17.4.0

Cancel HTTP requests

Having Taquito implemented in composable modules is a design choice to allow users to customize the modules to meet some of their specific needs.

One of these needs might be the ability to cancel HTTP requests to optimize the network. Indeed, Taquito has heavy methods that make a lot of requests to the RPC. For example, in some cases, users might want to cancel almost immediately a call when using it in user interfaces. It is possible to incorporate some logic into the HttpBackend and RpcClient classes to fulfill this need.

Here is one example to override HttpBackend and/or RpcClient:

Create a custom HttpBackend​

Create a class called CancellableHttpBackend which extends the HttpBackend class. Override the createRequest method to utilize an AbortController to handle and capture abort signals. We also use Axios to send HTTP requests. For more information on cancelling Axios requests, refer to this documentation

class CancellableHttpBackend extends HttpBackend {
private abortController: AbortController;
constructor() {
this.abortController = new AbortController();
resetAbortController() {
this.abortController = new AbortController();
cancelRequest() {
async createRequest<T>(
let response;
try {
response = await axios.request<T>({
url: url + this.serialize(query),
method: method ?? 'GET',
headers: headers,
responseType: resType,
signal: this.abortController.signal,
timeout: timeout,
data: data,
} catch (err: any) {
throw new HttpResponseError(
`Http error response: (${err.response.status}) ${JSON.stringify(}`,
err.response.status as STATUS_CODE,
url + this.serialize(query)

Create a custom RpcClient​

Create a class called CancellableRpcClient which extends the RpcClient class. Pass its constructor an instance of our CancellableHttpBackend class. And lastly, add the cancelRequest method which is used to trigger the abort signal.

import { RpcClient } from '@taquito/rpc';
class CancellableRpcClient extends RpcClient {
httpBackend: CancellableHttpBackend;
url: string,
chain: string = 'main',
customHttpBackend: CancellableHttpBackend = new CancellableHttpBackend()
) {
super(url, chain, customHttpBackend),
this.httpBackend = customHttpBackend;

Set the RpcProvider​

Set CancellableRpcClient on our TezosToolkit instance instead of using the default RpcClient class:

import { TezosToolkit } from '@taquito/taquito';
import { InMemorySigner } from '@taquito/signer';
const signer: any = new InMemorySigner('your_key');
const customRpcClient = new CancellableRpcClient('your_RPC_URL')
const tezos = new TezosToolkit(customRpcClient);

Trigger the abort signal​

Now that we've setup the customRpcClient, we can trigger request cancellations by calling:

await customRpcClient.cancelRequest();

Note that this example we provided will abort all RPC calls when triggered. There are unquestionably other methods to override and modify Taquito, and this example is just one of many possible implementations.

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