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Version: 17.5.0

RPC tests

Steps to run the tests

  1. The RPC nodes' integration tests are disabled by default.
    Remove ./rpc-nodes.spec.ts from "testPathIgnorePatterns" in the package.json.

    nairobinet: npm run test:nairobinet rpc-nodes.spec.ts

When all endpoints are accessible for a node, you will obtain:

Test calling all methods from RPC node: https://a-node
✓ Get the head block hash (1376 ms)
✓ List the ancestors of the head block (1010 ms)
✓ Access the balance of an address (1024 ms)
✓ Access the data of a contract (1022 ms)
✓ Access the code and data of a contract (1096 ms)
✓ Access the complete status of a contract (1057 ms)
✓ Access the manager key of a contract (1023 ms)
✓ Access the delegate of a contract (1023 ms)
✓ Access the value associated with a key in a big map (3927 ms)
✓ Fetches information about a delegate from RPC (1590 ms)
✓ Get all constants from RPC (938 ms)
✓ Get all the information about a block (1021 ms)
✓ Get the whole block header (1125 ms)
✓ Get all the metadata associated to the block (918 ms)
✓ Retrieves the list of delegates allowed to bake a block (912 ms)
✓ Retrieves the list of delegates allowed to endorse a block (971 ms)
✓ Get ballots casted so far during a voting period (1059 ms)
✓ Get sum of ballots casted so far during a voting period (904 ms)
✓ Get current period kind (907 ms)
✓ Get current proposal under evaluation (986 ms)
✓ Get current expected quorum (920 ms)
✓ List of delegates with their voting weight, in number of rolls (923 ms)
✓ List of proposals with number of supporters (1023 ms)
✓ Forge an operation returning the unsigned bytes (1026 ms)
✓ Inject an operation in node and broadcast it (1127 ms)
✓ Simulate the validation of an operation (1022 ms)
✓ Get the list of entrypoints of the contract (1023 ms)
✓ Get chain ID (896 ms)
✓ Run an operation without signature checks (948 ms)

Otherwise, you will see which endpoints do not work for a specific node:

Test calling all methods from RPC node: https://another-node
✓ Get the head block hash (888 ms)
✓ List the ancestors of the head block (782 ms)
✓ Access the balance of an address (779 ms)
✓ Access the data of a contract (636 ms)
✓ Access the code and data of a contract (801 ms)
✓ Access the complete status of a contract (638 ms)
✓ Access the manager key of a contract (771 ms)
✓ Access the delegate of a contract (682 ms)
✓ Access the value associated with a key in a big map (4200 ms)
✓ Fetches information about a delegate from RPC (739 ms)
✓ Get all constants from RPC (633 ms)
✓ Get all the information about a block (673 ms)
✓ Get the whole block header (648 ms)
✓ Get all the metadata associated to the block (646 ms)
✓ Retrieves the list of delegates allowed to bake a block (814 ms)
✓ Retrieves the list of delegates allowed to endorse a block (649 ms)
✕ Get ballots casted so far during a voting period (634 ms)
✕ Get sum of ballots casted so far during a voting period (707 ms)
✕ Get current period kind (766 ms)
✕ Get current proposal under evaluation (654 ms)
✕ Get current expected quorum (639 ms)
✕ List of delegates with their voting weight, in number of rolls (630 ms)
✕ List of proposals with number of supporters (699 ms)
✓ Forge an operation returning the unsigned bytes (641 ms)
✓ Inject an operation in node and broadcast it (655 ms)
✓ Simulate the validation of an operation (653 ms)
✓ Get the list of entrypoints of the contract (625 ms)
✓ Get chain ID (636 ms)
✓ Run an operation without signature checks (626 ms)

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